Volume 33 (3,300-3,399)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
3302 Linear World
3303 Songs
3304 Sudoku (3)
3305 Tour
3306 Mothy
3307 Adventurous Driving
3308 Computer Transformation
3309 Anagrammatic Distance
3310 Tomato Automata
3312 British Map Grids
3313 Do You Read Me?
3314 Give 'til It Feels Good
3315 Goldbach++
3316 Joe's Air Hockey Game
3317 Making the Grade (1)
3318 Multiple Choice
3321 We've Got Your Number
3336 Tire Dimensions
3337 Random Walk
3338 Paint Mix
3339 Open and Close
3340 Hour Glass
3341 Smallest Difference
3342 Faulty Odometer
3343 Last Digits
3344 Suit Distribution
3345 Numbering Cities
3346 Perfect Domination on Trees
3347 Dome of Tuxville
3348 Forest Trek
3349 Real-Time Disk Scheduling
3350 Verifying Experimental Data
3351 Easy and Not Easy Sudoku Puzzles
3352 The Rank of a Tree
3353 Optimal Bus Route Design
3354 Score
3355 Digit Generator
3356 Apple Tree
3357 Pinary
3359 Seminar Room
3360 Cannon's Move
3362 Roof (2)
3363 String Compression
3372 ACM (ACronym Maker)
3373 Countdown (1)
3374 The Game of Efil
3375 Queens, Knights and Pawns
3376 Reliable Nets
3377 Square Count
3378 Swamp Things
3379 Two Ends
3380 Single Digit Adder
3381 Connect
3382 Consecutive Digits in a Rational Number
3383 Constant Irritation
3384 If Only I Could Think Linearly...
3385 Leaping Lizards
3386 20-Four
3387 Job Scheduling by Open Bidding
3388 Who Needs 8 Queens When You Can Have N?
3389 Quick Change
3390 Pascal's Travels
3391 Overflowing Bookshelf
3392 Triangular Sums
3393 Copier Reduction
3394 Time to Graduate
3395 Painter (1)
3396 Consecutive Digits
3397 Leapin' Lizards
3398 Netiquette
3399 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers