Volume 36 (3,600-3,699)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
3600 Root of the Problem
3601 Digital Clock (1)
3602 DNA Consensus String
3604 Travel
3605 Roommate
3606 Gas
3608 Period (2)
3610 Log Jumping (1)
3611 Crosswords Insider
3612 Gypsy Moths
3613 Generic Units Conversion
3614 Zoned Out
3615 Shrew-ology
3616 How I Wonder What You Are!
3617 How I Mathematician Wonder What You Are!
3618 Cubic Eight-Puzzle
3619 Sum of Different Primes
3620 Manhattan Wiring
3621 Power Calculus
3622 Polygons on the Grid
3623 The Best Name for Your Baby
3624 Enjoyable Commutation
3625 Rounders
3626 Q
3627 Enigmatologically Cruciverbalistic
3628 Blue Jeans
3629 Core Wars
3630 'Roid Rage
3631 Children of the Candy Corn
3632 Panic Room
3633 Sudoku (4)
3634 The SetStack Computer
3635 Pie
3636 Ticket to Ride
3637 The Bookcase
3638 Printer Queue
3639 Prime Path
3640 Lineland's Airport
3641 Leonardo's Notebook
3642 CubesSquared
3643 BlindFold
3644 X-Plosives
3645 Objective: Berlin
3646 Transcript
3647 The Right Tip
3648 Booby Traps
3649 Fire Lane
3650 Gap (2)
3651 Weekend Lottery
3652 Lazy Jumping Frog
3653 Jukebox
3654 Bubble Maps
3655 Onion Layers
3656 Odd or Even
3657 Power Generation
3658 Report Recovery
3659 Turkish Roulette
3660 Robot (1)
3661 Animal Run
3662 Another Minimum Spanning Tree
3663 Connect It, If You Can!
3664 Guess
3665 XAR
3666 What a Special Graph
3667 Ruler
3668 A Funny Stone Game
3669 String Cutting
3670 Patrol Robot
3671 Construction Schedule
3672 Inferring Ancestors
3673 Black-White Grid
3674 The ACM-ICPC World Final Hosting
3675 Sorted Bit Sequence
3676 Domino
3677 Print Words in Lines
3678 The Bug Sensor Problem
3679 Pitcher Rotation
3680 Lucky and Good Months by Gregorian Calendar
3681 Route Planning
3683 A Scheduling Problem
3685 Perfect Service
3686 Encrypting Passwords
3687 Football Foundation (FOFO)
3689 Medium Size Summations (R2D2)
3690 The Inheritance
3691 The Explorer
3692 ACM Team Selection
3693 Balancing the Scale
3694 Contestants Division
3695 Distant Galaxy
3696 Escape Plan
3697 False Perceptions
3699 Harmony Forever