Volume 45 (4,500-4,599)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
4500 Traffic Jam (2)
4501 Rectangle of Permutation
4502 How Many Bases?
4503 Integer Game (2)
4504 Trick or Treat
4505 Working at the Restaurant
4506 Lights (Extreme)
4507 Darts (1)
4508 Genetics
4509 Haunted Graveyard
4510 Slalom
4511 Routing (2)
4512 Happy Telephones
4513 Stammering Aliens
4524 Interstar Transport
4525 Clues
4526 Inventory
4527 Vaccination Centers
4528 Schedule Pairs of Jobs
4529 A Constrained Queen Game
4530 Location for a Power Generator
4531 Movie Promotion
4532 Magic Rope
4533 Arithmetically Challenged
4534 Cover Up (2)
4535 Decompressing in a GIF
4536 Flipper
4537 The Flood
4538 Here's a Product Which Will Make You Tensor
4539 Trip the Lights Fantastic
4540 Windows
4541 RSA Factorization
4542 Hard-Working Student
4543 System Engineer
4544 Cycles of Lanes
4545 Multiprocessor Scheduling
4546 Maze Stretching
4547 Software Industry Revolution
4548 The Lucky Numbers
4549 The Robbery
4550 The Computer Game
4551 The Bad Number
4552 Nth Largest Value
4553 Equal Sum Partitions
4554 Balls
4555 Running Median
4556 The Next Permutation
4557 Adjacent Bit Counts
4558 Convex Hull of Lattice Points
4559 Interior Points of Lattice Polygons
4560 Theta Puzzle
4561 Range
4562 Coverage (1)
4563 XML
4564 Clickomania
4565 Balance
4566 Resistors
4567 Shuffling
4568 Papa
4569 Wax
4570 Up and Down
4571 Gnome Sequencing
4572 DuLL
4573 Black Vienna (1)
4574 Duplicate Removal
4575 Rock, Paper, Scissors (1)
4576 A to Z Numerals
4577 Cell Towers
4589 Asteroids (2)
4590 Business Center
4592 Database
4593 Exclusive Access 2
4594 Funny Language
4595 Garbling Game
4596 Headshot
4597 Inspection
4598 Java Certification
4599 K-Equivalence