Volume 72 (7,200-7,299)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
7200 Trampolines
7201 Getting Your Priorities Straight
7202 Pay Day
7203 At Most Twice
7204 Blood Groups
7205 Cake Cut
7206 D as in Daedalus
7207 Exposing Corruption
7208 Fence the Vegetables Fail
7209 Galactic Taxes
7210 Height Map
7211 Identifying Tea
7212 Just a Bit Sorted
7213 Keep It Energized
7214 Arithmetical CAPTCHA
7215 Udin and Ucok
7216 Counting Partition
7217 An ICPC Problem Without Statement
7218 Awesome Cipher Machine
7219 Problem on Group Trip
7220 Dungeon Trap
7221 Harvest Season
7222 National Disaster
7223 Alien Abduction 3
7224 Amplified Energy
7225 Summation and Divisor
7226 Coin Swap
7227 Equilibrium State
7228 Grid (1)
7229 Kernel
7230 Log Jumping (2)
7231 Odd Cycle
7232 Path
7233 Polynomial
7234 Stock
7235 3-Primes Problem
7236 Tree Edit
7237 Wheel of Numbers
7238 Pattern String
7239 Bazinga
7240 Minimum Cut-cut
7241 Pagodas
7242 Efficient Tree
7243 Frogs
7244 Game of Flying Circus
7245 Chessboard
7246 Triple
7247 John's Fences
7248 Kykneion Asma
7249 Number Link
7250 Meeting
7251 Bus Routes
7252 Advanced Calculator
7253 Autopilot System
7254 Immortality of Frog
7255 Land of Farms
7256 Matching Compressed String
7257 Alice's Classified Message
7258 Frog and String
7259 The Shields
7260 Kingdom of Tree
7261 Xiongnu's Land
7262 Xiang Hex
7263 Today Is a Rainy Day
7264 Kejin Game
7265 Stamps
7266 You Are under Arrest
7267 Mysterious Antiques in Sackler Museum
7268 Archipelago Tour
7269 Snake Carpet
7270 Osu! Master
7271 A Math Problem
7272 Promotions
7273 Black Vienna (2)
7274 Canvas Painting
7275 Dice Cup
7276 Wooden Signs
7277 Landscaping
7278 Game of Cards
7279 Sheldon Numbers
7280 Text Processor
7281 Saint John Festival
7282 Being Solarly Systematic
7283 Delete This!
7284 KenKen You Do It?
7285 Rings
7286 Squawk Virus
7287 Transportation Delegation
7288 Tray Bien
7289 Trick Shot
7290 What's on the Grille?
7291 Kinfolk (1)
7292 Refract Facts
7293 Poker
7294 Interpreter
7295 Positive Con Sequences
7296 Morse
7297 Hounded by Indecision
7298 And Then There Was 5
7299 Boggle