Volume 75 (7,500-7,599)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
7500 Boxes and Balls
7501 Business Cycle
7502 Suffixes and Palindromes
7503 Change (2)
7504 Colorful Floor
7505 Hungry Game of Ants
7506 Legacy of the Void
7507 Open Face Chinese Poker
7508 Champions League
7509 Dome and Steles
7510 Convex Polyhedron
7511 Multiplication Table
7512 November 11th
7521 Kinfolk (2)
7522 Lobby
7523 Cameras
7524 Robot
7525 Laser Game
7526 Billboard
7527 Funfair
7528 Beehive
7529 DNA Sequencing (2)
7530 Cafebazaar
7531 Fence
7532 In a Planet Far Far Away
7533 The Christmas Gift
7534 The Parenthesis Tree
7535 The Making of a Cake
7536 Jalebi Bai and Decks of Sweets
7537 Samosa Bhai and His Courier Company
7538 The Christmas Cookies
7539 Antichains
7540 Save The Trees
7541 The Revenge of Jalebi Bai
7542 Wait for It
7543 Appropriate Coordinate Map
7544 Banking II
7545 Calculating Taxes
7546 Dropped Water Bottle
7547 Earl's Extremely Efficient Encryption
7548 Flipping Switches
7549 Game Moves
7550 Hiking
7551 Individually Customised Pop-up Cards
7552 Jumping Impala
7553 Krypton Stadiums
7554 Git
7555 Circles and Squares
7556 Jump on Buildings
7557 Magical Matrix
7558 Cat and Mouse
7559 Similar Strings
7560 Chota Mouse and His Birthday Cake
7561 Longest Palindrome
7562 Coins (2)
7563 Coprimes
7564 Malvika Conducts Her Own ACM-ICPC Contest Series
7565 Animesh Decides to Settle Down
7566 Animesh Practices Some Programming Contests
7567 Malvika Gets Bored along with Her Cats
7568 Malvika Conducts a Programming Camp
7569 King Animesh Decides to Have a Voyage to the Sun
7570 Malvika and Animesh Play Red-Blue Cards Game
7571 Crazy Malvika Discovers Crazy Fibonacci Function
7572 Malvika Is Peculiar About Color of Balloons
7573 Animesh Does Not Gift Malvika on Her Birthday
7574 Animesh Has a War with Tribal Leader Malvika
7575 Praveen Falls from a Tall Tree
7576 Balanced Diet
7577 Branch Assignment
7578 Ceiling Function
7579 Clock Breaking
7580 Forever Young
7581 Longest Rivers
7582 Oil
7583 Polygonal Puzzle
7584 Road Times
7585 Spin Doctor
7586 String Theory
7587 Swap Space
7588 What Really Happened on Mars?
7589 Rearranging a Sequence
7590 Quality of Check Digits
7591 Distribution Center
7592 Hidden Anagrams
7593 Infallibly Crack Perplexing Cryptarithm
7594 Three Kingdoms of Bourdelot
7595 Placing Medals on a Binary Tree
7596 Animal Companion in Maze
7597 Skinny Polygon
7598 Cover the Polygon with Your Disk
7599 Black and White Boxes