Volume 10 (1,000-1,099)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
1000 Greetings from LightOJ
1001 Opposite Task
1002 Country Roads
1003 Drunk
1004 Monkey Banana Problem
1005 Rooks
1006 Hex-a-Bonacci
1007 Mathematically Hard
1008 Fibsieve's Fantabulous Birthday
1009 Back to Underworld
1010 Knights in Chessboard
1011 Marriage Ceremonies
1012 Guilty Prince
1013 Love Calculator
1014 Ifter Party
1015 Brush (I)
1016 Brush (II)
1017 Brush (III)
1018 Brush (IV)
1019 Brush (V)
1020 A Childhood Game
1021 Painful Bases
1022 Circle in Square
1023 Discovering Permutations
1024 Eid
1025 The Specials Menu
1026 Critical Links
1027 A Dangerous Maze
1028 Trailing Zeroes (I)
1029 Civil and Evil Engineer
1030 Discovering Gold
1031 Easy Game
1032 Fast Bit Calculations
1033 Generating Palindromes
1034 Hit the Light Switches
1035 Intelligent Factorial Factorization
1036 A Refining Company
1037 Agent 47
1038 Race to 1 Again
1039 A Toy Company
1040 Donation
1041 Road Construction
1042 Secret Origins
1043 Triangle Partitioning
1044 Palindrome Partitioning
1045 Digits of Factorial
1046 Rider
1047 Neighbor House
1048 Conquering Keokradong
1049 One Way Roads
1050 Marbles
1051 Good or Bad
1052 String Growth
1053 Higher Math
1054 Efficient Pseudo Code
1055 Going Together
1056 Olympics
1057 Collecting Gold
1058 Parallelogram Counting
1059 Air Ports
1060 nth Permutation
1061 N Queen Again
1062 Crossed Ladder
1063 Ant Hills
1064 Throwing Dice
1065 Number Sequence
1066 Gathering Food
1067 Combinations
1068 Investigation
1069 Lift
1070 Algebraic Problem
1071 Baker Vai
1072 Calm Down
1073 DNA Sequence
1074 Extended Traffic
1075 Finding Routes
1076 Get the Containers
1077 How Many Points?
1078 Integer Divisibility
1079 Just another Robbery
1080 Binary Simulation
1081 Square Queries
1082 Array Queries
1083 Histogram
1084 Winter
1085 All Possible Increasing Subsequences
1086 Jogging Trails
1087 Diablo
1088 Points in Segments
1089 Points in Segments (II)
1090 Trailing Zeroes (II)
1091 The Fastest Sorting Ever!
1092 Lighted Panels
1093 Ghajini
1094 Farthest Nodes in a Tree
1095 Arrange the Numbers
1096 nth Term
1097 Lucky Number
1098 A New Function
1099 Not the Best