Volume 14 (1,400-1,499)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
1400 Employment
1401 No More Tic-Tac-Toe
1402 Line Chart
1403 Air Raid
1404 Sending Secret Messages
1405 The Great Escape
1406 Assassin`s Creed
1407 Explosion
1408 Batting Practice
1409 Rent a Car
1410 Consistent Verdicts
1411 Rip Van Winkle`s Code
1412 Visiting Islands
1414 February 29
1415 Save the Trees
1416 Superb Sequence
1417 Forwarding Emails
1418 Trees on My Island
1419 Necklace
1420 Subsequences Forming Strings
1421 Wavio Sequence
1422 Halloween Costumes
1423 Olympic Swimming
1424 New Land
1425 The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo
1426 Blind Escape
1427 Substring Frequency (II)
1428 Melody Comparison
1429 Assassin`s Creed (II)
1430 A Question of Time
1431 The Party for the Rich
1432 Overlapping Sticks
1433 Minimum Arc Distance
1434 Patch Quilt