Volume 100 (10,000-10,099)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
10000 Longest Paths
10001 Garden of Eden
10002 Center of Masses
10003 Cutting Sticks
10004 Bicoloring
10005 Packing Polygons
10006 Carmichael Numbers
10007 Count the Trees
10008 What's Cryptanalysis?
10009 All Roads Lead Where?
10010 Where's Waldorf?
10011 Where Can You Hide?
10012 How Big Is It?
10013 Super Long Sums
10014 Simple Calculations
10015 Joseph's Cousin
10016 Flip-Flop the Squarelotron
10017 The Never Ending Towers of Hanoi
10018 Reverse and Add
10019 Funny Encryption Method
10020 Minimal Coverage
10021 Cube in the Labirint
10022 Delta-Wave
10023 Square Root
10024 Curling up the Cube
10025 The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem
10026 Shoemaker's Problem
10027 Language Cardinality
10028 Demerit Points
10029 Edit Step Ladders
10030 Computer Dialogue
10031 Saskatchewan
10032 Tug of War
10033 Interpreter
10034 Freckles
10035 Primary Arithmetic
10036 Divisibility (1)
10037 Bridge (2)
10038 Jolly Jumpers
10039 Railroads
10040 Ouroboros Snake
10041 Vito's Family
10042 Smith Numbers
10043 Chainsaw Massacre
10044 Erdos Numbers
10045 Echo
10046 Fold-Up Patterns
10047 The Monocycle
10048 Audiophobia
10049 Self-Describing Sequence
10050 Hartals
10051 Tower of Cubes
10052 Inviting Politicians
10053 Envelopes
10054 The Necklace
10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior
10056 What Is the Probability
10057 A Mid-Summer Night's Dream
10058 Jimmi's Riddles
10059 The Hazard of CSE Department!
10060 A Hole to Catch a Man
10061 How Many Zeros and How Many Digits?
10062 Tell Me the Frequencies!
10063 Knuth's Permutation
10064 Travelling in another Dimension
10065 Useless Tile Packers
10066 The Twin Towers
10067 Playing with Wheels
10068 The Treasure Hunt
10069 Distinct Subsequences
10070 Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ...
10071 Back to High School Physics
10072 Bob Laptop Woolmer and Eddie Desktop Barlow
10073 Constrained Exchange Sort
10074 Take the Land
10075 Airlines
10076 The Bumpy Robot
10077 The Stern-Brocot Number System
10078 The Art Gallery
10079 Pizza Cutting
10080 Gopher II
10081 Tight Words
10082 WERTYU
10083 Division (2)
10084 Hotter Colder
10085 The Most Distant State
10086 Test the Rods
10087 The Tajmahal of ++Y2k
10088 Trees on My Island
10089 Repackaging
10090 Marbles (1)
10091 The Valentine's Day
10092 The Problem with the Problem Setter
10093 An Easy Problem!
10094 Place the Guards (1)
10095 Saving the Planet
10096 The Richest Man of the Universe
10097 The Color Game
10098 Generating Fast, Sorted Permutation
10099 The Tourist Guide