Volume 119 (11,900-11,999)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
11900 Boiled Eggs
11901 Ellipse Hazard
11902 Dominator
11903 e-Friends
11904 One Unit Machine
11905 Map Coloring
11906 Knight in a War Grid
11907 Collision of Bacteria
11908 Skyscraper
11909 Soya Milk
11910 Closest Fractions
11911 Farther or Closer
11912 Chutes and Ladders (2)
11913 Tape Recording
11914 An Amazing Race
11915 Recurrence
11916 Emoogle Grid
11917 Do Your Own Homework!
11918 Traveler of Gridland
11919 Hybrid Salientia
11920 0s, 1s and ? Marks
11921 Save the Princess
11922 Permutation Transformer
11923 Roundabout
11924 Unlock the Winning Pot
11925 Generating Permutations
11926 Multitasking
11927 Games Are Important
11928 The Busy Dog
11929 Ambiguous Forests
11930 Rectangles (2)
11931 Maze Escape
11932 Net Profit
11934 Magic Formula
11935 Through the Desert
11936 The Lazy Lumberjacks
11937 Balanced ScoreCard
11938 Hammock in the Forest
11940 Face the Maze
11941 Creating a Quadtree
11942 Lumberjack Sequencing
11943 The Heart Flu
11944 $10 to Win?
11945 Financial Management
11946 Code Number
11947 Cancer or Scorpio
11948 Reading a Quadtree
11949 Calculating IRR
11950 Neverland
11951 Area (2)
11952 Arithmetic
11953 Battleships
11954 Binary Calculator
11955 Binomial Theorem
11956 Brainfuck
11957 Checkers
11958 Coming Home
11959 Dice
11960 Divisor Game
11961 DNA
11962 DNA II
11963 Emigration
11964 Equation (2)
11965 Extra Spaces
11966 Galactic Bonding
11967 Hic-Hac-Hoe
11968 In the Airport
11969 LAMApbo
11970 Lucky Numbers
11971 Polygon (2)
11972 Round Trip
11973 Sierpinski Carpet
11974 Switch the Lights
11975 Tele-Loto
11976 Time Deposit
11977 Story of Tomisu Ghost
11978 Fukushima Nuclear Blast
11979 Hamming Base
11980 Mad Scientist
11981 Corrupted Friendship
11982 Fantasy Cricket
11983 Weird Advertisement
11984 A Change in Thermal Unit
11985 Prime Independence
11986 Save from Radiation
11987 Almost Union-Find
11988 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text)
11989 Cake Cutting
11990 "Dynamic" Inversion
11991 Easy Problem from Rujia Liu?
11992 Fast Matrix Operations
11993 Girls' Celebration
11994 Happy Painting!
11995 I Can Guess the Data Structure!
11996 Jewel Magic
11997 K Smallest Sums
11998 Rujia Liu loves Wario Land!
11999 Unlock