Volume 126 (12,600-12,699)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
12600 Counting Necklaces
12601 Toll Management II
12602 Nice Licence Plates
12603 Bouncing Bowling Ball
12604 Caesar Cipher
12605 Ripple Effect
12606 Evaluating Logic Expressions
12607 Amazing Maze
12608 Garbage Collection
12609 Sequential Thinking
12610 Attractive Grid
12611 Beautiful Flag
12612 Cube Killer
12613 Distinct Substring 2
12614 Earn For Future!
12615 Fantastic Network
12616 Gymman vs Fila
12617 How Lader
12618 I Puzzle You
12619 Just Make a Wish
12620 Fibonacci Sum
12621 On a Diet
12622 Fast Fouriest Transform
12623 Choosing Presents
12624 Moon Silhouettes
12625 Shortest Gas Paths
12626 I ❤ Pizza
12627 Erratic Expansion
12628 Two Triangles in 3D
12629 Rectangle XOR Game
12630 Equilateral Triangle in a Triangle Grid
12631 Chocolate and Money
12632 Sum of Totatives
12633 Super Rooks on Chessboard
12634 Pairing Boys and Girls
12635 Bisection Method
12636 Disguised Giveaway
12637 30 Minutes or Less
12638 Gödel's Dream
12639 Hexagonal Puzzle
12640 Largest Sum Game
12641 Reodrnreig Lteetrs in Wrods
12642 Shuffling Cards
12643 Tennis Rounds
12644 Vocabulary
12645 Water Supply
12646 Zero or One
12647 Balloon
12648 Boss
12649 Folding Machine
12650 Dangerous Dive
12651 Triangles (2)
12652 Lines of Containers
12653 Buses
12654 Patches
12655 Trucks
12656 Almost Palindrome
12657 Boxes in a Line
12658 Character Recognition?
12659 Damaging Your Spreadsheet (Spreadsheet Tracking II)
12660 Ears Cutting
12661 Funny Car Racing
12662 Good Teacher
12663 High Bridge, Low Bridge
12664 Interesting Calculator
12665 Joking with Fermat's Last Theorem
12666 Killer Puzzle
12667 Last Blood
12668 Attacking Rooks
12669 Blogger Language
12670 Counting Ones
12671 Disjoint Water Supply
12672 Eleven
12673 Football (2)
12674 Go Up the Ultras
12675 Hide and Seek
12676 Inverting Huffman
12677 Join Two Kingdoms
12678 Mixing Colours
12679 It Can Be Arranged
12680 Shopping Malls
12681 Decoding the Hallway
12682 Joe Is Learning to Speak
12683 Odd and Even Zeroes
12684 VivoParc
12685 Binary Tree
12686 Trending Topic
12687 Cleaning the Hallway
12688 Spanning Trees in a Secure Lock Pattern
12689 Teaching Hazard
12690 Counting Lattice Squares
12691 Seven Segment Display
12692 Airport Sort
12693 Boxes (2)
12694 Meeting Room Arrangement
12695 Traveling Fool
12696 Cabin Baggage
12697 Minimal Subarray Length
12698 Safari Park
12699 See Emily Play