Volume 14 (1,400-1,499)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
1400 "Ray, pass me the dishes!"
1401 Remember the Word
1402 Robotic Sort
1403 Tough Water Level
1404 Prime k-tuple
1405 The Ultimate Password
1406 A Sequence of Numbers
1407 Caves
1408 Flight Control (1)
1409 Go to Class
1410 Expensive Drink
1411 Ants (1)
1412 Fund Management
1413 Game (4)
1414 Hanoi Towers
1415 Gauss Prime
1416 Warfare and Logistics
1417 Traffic Jam (1)
1418 WonderTeam
1419 Ugly Windows
1420 Priest John's Busiest Day
1421 Archery
1422 Processor
1423 Guess (1)
1424 Salesmen
1425 Metal
1426 Discrete Square Roots
1427 Parade
1428 Ping Pong
1429 Timer
1430 Binary Integer
1431 Cryptography Reloaded
1432 Fire-Control System
1433 Aerodynamics
1435 Business Cards
1436 Counting Heaps
1437 String Painter
1438 Asteroids (2)
1439 Exclusive Access 2
1440 Inspection
1441 Accountant Notes
1442 Cav
1443 Garlands
1444 Knowledge for the Masses
1445 Cubist Artwork
1446 Origami Through-Hole
1447 Malfatti Circles
1448 Hobby on Rails
1449 Dominating Patterns
1450 Airport (1)
1451 Average
1452 Jump
1453 Squares (3)
1454 Sizeof
1455 Kingdom
1456 Cellular Network
1457 Decrypt Messages
1458 Exciting Time
1459 Flowers Placement
1460 Game Simulator
1461 Sudoku Extension
1462 Fuzzy Google Suggest
1463 Largest Empty Circle on a Segment
1464 Traffic Real Time Query System
1465 Searchlights
1466 String Phone
1467 Installations
1468 Restaurant
1469 Ardenia
1470 Casting Spells
1471 Defense Lines
1472 Hanging Hats
1473 Dome of Circus
1474 Evacuation Plan
1475 Jungle Outpost
1476 Error Curves
1477 Snooker Referee
1478 Delta Wave
1479 Graph and Queries
1480 Jewel
1481 Genome Evolution
1482 Playing With Stones
1483 Intersection of Two Prisms
1484 Alice and Bob's Trip
1485 Permutation Counting
1486 Transportation (2)
1487 Volume
1488 Shade of Hallelujah Mountain
1489 Math Teacher's Homework
1490 Let the Light Guide Us
1491 Compress the String
1492 Adding New Machine
1493 Draw a Mess
1494 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System
1495 Three Kingdom Chess
1496 Peach Blossom Spring
1497 A Letter to Programmers
1498 Activation
1499 Gem and Prince